Year 2
Esther Class
The Book of Esther tells the story celebrated at Purim of how Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai saved the Jewish people from the plot of the wicked Haman, who was an advisor to the Persian King Ahasuerus and who tried to have the Jews destroyed.
Life can be challenging. Difficult times happen, and pain cannot be avoided. When life doesn’t make sense, do you turn to God or away from Him? Let the book of Esther encourage you that God is always present. Jesus called us “friends” ( John 15:15), and the Spirit is our “Helper” (14:26). Trust and obey, as Esther did. And watch God silently weave all events for His glory . . . and for our good.
Class Teacher- Mr R Jennings
Nursery Nurse- Mrs K Bilkhu