School Admissions
Admissions in our School
We welcome applications from parents/carers of all faiths who would like their child/ren to be educated in a strong faith tradition with an inclusive ethos. Priority will be given to those families who have a signed Certificate of Catholic Practice that can be obtained from your Parish Priest. Please see our admissions policy for a list of criteria.
Admissions are the responsibility of the Governing Body of the School. All applications are ranked in order by Governors using the Admissions criteria set out in the School Admissions Policy.
Parents of children applying for places in Reception, KS1 or KS2 must complete BOTH:
- Ealing Common Application Form (CAF) via the 'eadmissions' website (see link below).
- Supplementary Information Form (SIF) see below. This must be returned directly to the school together with
- the 'Certificate of Catholic Practice Form' (see below)
- Baptism Certificate
Please note, School will need to see the ORIGINAL supporting documentation for each application.
Applications are now invited for Reception Class September 2025 for children who will be 4 years old before 31st August 2025.
Please complete the St. Anselm's Supplementary Information Form and return to the School Office with together with a copy of
- Birth Certificate or Passport to confirm date of birth
- Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
- Certificate of Catholic Practise (signed by your Parish Priest)
You are also required to complete London Borough of Ealing On-Line Application Form which can be found at
Closing Date for On-Line Applications - 15TH JANUARY 2025
Admission- School Places for New Pupils
We have a few spaces for new pupils across the school- if you know of anyone who is looking to secure a Catholic Education for their child, please contact Mrs Croker by telephone: 020 8574 3906 or by email to
Right of Appeal
If your child is not offered a place at our School, you can appeal the decision. Your appeal will be heard by an independent panel. School can provide you with support in this area.
Ealing Council - School Admissions
Links to school admissions page.
'eAdmissions' - Online website for completion of the Ealing Common Application Form (CAF)