Religious Education
At St. Anselm’s our faith is an integral part of the life of the school. Religious Education is a core subject and embraces the whole curriculum. The school uses RE materials written by Dr Margaret Carswell.
Religious Education receives 10% of the Curriculum across the school as required by the Bishops' Conference. Religious Education informs all areas of the Curriculum including our School ethos and vision; "Success for all." The children are educated in their faith to bring them to a deeper understanding of what it means to be an active member of the Catholic community.
Daily collective worship, led by the pupils, enables the children to respond to God’s love. The school’s programme for worship and liturgy follows the Church’s Liturgical calendar. The School community celebrates Mass in the Parish Church each term including holy days of obligation and the School's Feast Day.
Our R.E. Leader: Mrs Eileen Dhak
Our R.E. Governor: Ms Sue Cawley
St. Anselm's Church
St. Anselm's Feast Day
The Feast of the Archangels~ 29th September 2024
Caritas in Action
Ealing Deanery Catholic Social Teaching TED Talks
New RECD Examples of Work
R.E. Displays
St. Anselm's Welcome Mass celebrated by Father Jovito
Father Peter~ Advent Service
First Holy Communion Children
Prayer Bags
Year of Prayer
Ealing Deanery Mass
Welcome Mass at St. Anselm's Church
Ealing Deanery R.E. Leaders Day~ Sister Judith
Pope Francis Action Team Lunch time Rosary Club
Celebrating the Month of the Rosary ~ Hail Mary in our Home Language
Year 5 & 6 Visit the Sikh Gurdwara- Celebrating Other Faiths Week
Prayer Partners- EYFS/KS1/KS2
Children in Need
EYFS~ Nativity
Year 1 & 2 Nativity Play
Year 2 Visit to the Live Nativity~ Gumley House Convent School
KS2 Carol Concert
Year 6 Choir~ Visit Martin House Elderly Care Home
St. Anselm's Celebrates Mardi Gras
Holy Week ~ Liturgies
Easter Bonnet Parade
Pound for Peace
Children In Need Pyjama Day
Year 6 Lenten Homeless Project
Holy Day of Obligation ~ St. Peter & St. Paul
Catholic Social Teaching animation for children | CAFOD
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture and it provides us with guidance on how we can live out our faith as followers of Christ in our local, national and global communities. As head of the church, the Pope guides us in how we can apply the scripture to our modern-day lives and how the Church can respond to the challenges we face in our modern world. Pope Francis' shared his own thoughts in his recent encyclicals Laudato Si' (2015) and Fratelli Tutti (2020).
Each of the principles is now rooted in St. Anselm's rhythm of the year and has been blended with our new Community point system.
Oscar Romero Award
Saint Oscar Romero shows us that we must see God in all people and work together to build God's Kingdom of mercy, just and love on earth.
St. Anselm's has been awarded the Participator Level of the Oscar Romero Award for our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST). The award recognises schools that place Catholic Social Teaching at the heart of their strategy, curriculum and practical work.
Oscar Romero Award ~ Participator Award
We are delighted to have been awarded the Oscar Romero 'Developer level' Award, building on the 'Participator Award' we received in September 2022. Only one school in the Westminister Diocese has this level of award, out of hundreds of Catholic Schools registered with the programme in the U.K. After a successful application, a validator came to tour the school and meet with staff, governors and children.
The Oscar Romero Award recognises schools that have embedded the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching in their ethos and culture so that all can experience life to the full. Our next step is to work towards the 'Innovator Level' of the award.