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Science Curriculum


To develop enquiring minds that enable them to find out about how our world and everything in it works.  We want our pupils to be confident and curious- to apply skills in a scientific way, using lines of enquiry across the curriculum and in late life.  Our pupils must understand the role of a scientist is, ensuring they "Talk Like a Scientist" in all appropriate lessons.


The NC for science provides the clear and progressive structure for our curriculum which builds on and revisits knowledge through the strands of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, linking where possible to other topics in our curriculum provision.  From the onset, the pupils are reminded that they are scientists, and as such they must talk like scientists, using the appropriate vocabulary. This academic year, the children will be given Scientific Enquiry Sentence Stems to support them to structure their scientific talk and support them in asking deeper questions.

Our science curriculum aims to support the inquisitive nature of our children, to promote respect for living and non-living things and equipt pupils with the scientific knowledge required to understand the universe today and in the future.  It builds upon these principles and aims to promote the skills required needed for scientific enquiry in order to deepen pupils scientific knowledge.  Investigate Science Sentence Stems will support the children to offer a hypothesis, present their arguments and draw conclusions from their investigations. 

Our pupils begin their science experience in Early Years Foundation Stage, with informal investigation.  Teachers facilitate pupils' curiosity with open ended questions and clearly thought out learning experiences which are both child led and adult led.  As they progress through KS1 and KS2, pupils are encouraged to think about their own understanding of the world through 'hands on' practical lessons, to ask questions and to explore ways in which these questions can be answered through investigation. The Science Enquiry Skills, first introduced in Year One, will support pupils in understanding the key disciplines required to be scientists, through asking scientific questions which can be investigated, setting up fair tests, deciding on the most effective way to present the data they have gained and evaluating the success of their investigation.  Students and teachers alike should be encouraged to embrace investigations that go wrong as a learning opportunity skills to create, lead and evaluate their own lines of investigation.


Children will use a wide range of scientific vocabulary. They will know the Scientific Enquiry Skills and their respective symbols.  They will be able to ask deeper questions which can be investigated within the classroom.  Children will be able to lead investigations and allow the teacher to take on the role of coach and critical friend.

  • Strengths: Children are passionate about Science at St Anselm's.  They are beginning to use a wider range of scientific vocabulary and this is being explicitly taught by teachers.  Oracy sentence stems are aiding students in speaking like scientists.  Planning has been tightened up as teachers create their own medium term plans, giving them more ownership.  Working walls are being used more frequently to support all learners to make progress in their Science learning.
  • Areas to Develop: Children struggle with asking questions that allow them to effectively investigate. Children need more support with setting up experiments and assessing their effectiveness.  A more robust method of assessment is required so teachers are aware of pupil attainment.  Science lead to work with teachers new to the school/the profession to support their teaching of Science.

Year 2 Science Topic LIving Things and their Habitats

Year6~ Electricity Investigations

Year 6~ Light Theory

Year 2~ Science Invertebrate Investigation