Medical Information
Sickness Absences
If your child is sick, please telephone the school office and leave a message on the dedicated voicemail system, by 8.45am.
You must telephone daily and keep the school office informed of ongoing medical absences
Medical Information About Your Child
Please make sure that you provide school with up to date information about your child’s medical conditions.
- If your child is suffering from vomiting/diarrhoea, in line with school policy he/she must not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last symptoms have stopped.
- Only medicine that has been prescribed by a Doctor can be administered to a pupil at school.
A consent form will need to be signed by the parent/carer and the medication handed to a Medical Officer. Please note parents/carers are responsible for collecting and disposing of any unused medication from the school office. Consent forms are available from the school Medical Officer
- If you have identified your child as having a medical condition e.g. asthma, please be aware it is your responsibility to inform the school and provide the relevant prescribed medication and a Doctors letter/Care Plan to the school.
- Medication kept in school e.g. inhalers/epipens – all medication will be returned to the pupil’s parent/carer at the end of the school year. If your child still requires to have medication kept in school at the beginning of the new academic year this will need to be returned to the school office together with an updated care plan if there has been any changes to your child’s medical needs. Please do not pass any medication to the class teachers or teaching assistants.
- Bumps to head/face/neck: If your child receives a bump or injury to any of these areas, you will be notified.
- If you have given your child medication before School or during the School day, you must write down the name and quantity of the medication you have administered to your child in the folder held at the School Office by Mrs Croker and Mrs Debono.
1. Mrs Jackie Freddino – Medical Officer
2. Mrs Shins Johal – Deputy Medical Officer
NHS - 111 Online
You can check your symptoms here for COVID
Head Lice & Nits
NHS Advice - Head Lice
Are Your Child’s Vaccinations Up-to-date?
This is a quick and easy guide to make sure your child’s vaccine schedule is up-to-date issued by Ealing Council