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School Uniform

There is a school uniform which all pupils are expected to wear: The school colours are royal blue, grey and white. All pupils are expected to wear the correct school uniform. All items of school uniform should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Jumpers, cardigans, ties, nursery sweatshirts, book bags and PE bags bear the school logo and need to be purchased from the school, using an order form.

* purchased through school office

Boys – Year 1 to Year 6
Autumn/Spring Terms

Girls – Year 1 to Year 6
Autumn/Spring Terms

Royal Blue School Jumper *

Royal Blue School Cardigan or Jumper *

Grey trousers

Grey skirt, pinafore or grey trousers

Tie *

Tie *

White long or short sleeved shirt

White long or short sleeved shirt

Grey socks

Grey tights or white socks

Black sensible shoes

Black sensible shoes

Navy blue or black Coat

Navy blue or black coat


Boys - Year 1 to Year 6

 Summer Term

Girls - Year 1 to Year 6

Summer Term

Royal Blue School Jumper *

Royal Blue School Cardigan or Jumper *

Grey trousers or grey shorts

Light blue and white checked dress

Plain white polo shirt

White socks

Grey socks

Black sensible shoes

Black sensible shoes



Boys - Reception to Year 6

- PE Kit

Girls - Reception to Year 6

- PE Kit

Royal blue shorts*

Royal blue shorts *

Plain white crew necked t-shirt

Plain white crew necked t-shirt

Black plimsolls  (KS2 Pupils can wear trainers – no studs)

Black plimsolls

Optional - Navy blue or black tracksuit/joggers (Winter)

Optional - Navy blue or black tracksuit/joggers (Winter)


Reception & Nursery Uniform

Boys - Autumn/Spring

Reception & Nursery Uniform

Girls Autumn/Spring

Royal Blue School Sweatshirt *

Royal Blue School Sweatshirt *

White plain polo shirt

White plain polo shirt

Plain navy-blue jogger bottoms

Navy blue jogger bottoms

Black velcro trainers

Black velcro trainers


Reception & Nursery Uniform

Boys - Summer

Reception & Nursery Uniform

 Girls - Summer

Royal Blue School Sweatshirt *

Royal Blue School Sweatshirt * or Royal Blue School Cardigan

Plain white polo shirt

Light blue and white checked dress

Plain grey shorts

White socks

Winter Coats

Please note that a waterproof plain navy or black coat only, is to be worn during winter/cold weather.

Sun Caps:

The school baseball cap / sun hat, is to be worn during sunny weather.


All pupils in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 to Year 6 must only bring a "Book bag" to School. These can be purchased from the School Office.

No Jewellery 

Children are not to wear any jewellery to school

Haircuts / Hairstyles

All hair should be of a natural colour. No hair dye or substances for styling hair eg gel is allowed. Long and shoulder length hair should be tied back with hairbands matching the school uniform. Short hair should be cut in a straight forward style, tidy and clear of the face. No lines, patterns or unusual shapes to be cut into the hair.